Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jesus Camp

Lemme break this down on a number of levels -- Developmental Psychologist, Camp Counselor, and as a Christian.

* Developmental Psychologist -- so, we're looking at kids in the concrete operational phase of development and while they are still in that hero worship of parents phase of life. These kids are being taught that if something good happens as a result of prayer, then it's because God and Jesus are happy with them. If they pray and something doesn't happen, then, it's because they have displeased God and/or Jesus in some way. Yup. Complete external loci of control going on there. I could go on and on, but, basically, these people are really not helping the kids become better citizens. Oh, wait -- they don't care to be better citizens because they're going to Heaven in the end -- and I'll touch more on that below.
* Camp Counselor -- yanno -- I don't agree with EVERYTHING we do at my camp, either, but, we have specific foci and everything we do revolves around one core tenant -- everything is focused on the heath, safety, and the joy of the children! We work with them so that they learn how to think independently, to grow and build on the knowledge and skills they have as well as exploring new ideas and skills.
* Christian -- I am a Christian, and I have my beliefs that I'll share. I understand my relationship with God, and I know one thing for sure -- my God is not the same God as these people believe in. I was taught and have learned that God loves and forgives, and that God reserves the right of vengeance and judging. But, these people are not like that. I'm sorry, but, when you use God as a way to put kids to bed ("How are you glorifying God in your actions?") -- again, it's an external locus of control, and it teaches kids that they don't have to be responsible for their actions. The Catholics teach a lot about the idea of the freedom of choices, but, they also teach that you're ultimately the one responsible. I like that idea.

I was told by a student this semester that he can tell just by looking at someone and interacting with them if they're a Christian or not. According to him, I'm not (which prompted me to show him my drivers license). I asked him what his reasoning was and it's because I drink, smoke, swear, and fornicate. Hmmmm...well...he's batting .750 with me...but...then, I asked him if he's a Christian, and he said, "well, yeah."

"Do you drink?"

"yeah, but..."

"Do you smoke?"

"yeah, but..."

"Do you swear?"

"I'm trying to stop..."

"Do you fornicate, or do you just get a good piece of hand from time to time?"

I got him to laugh at that -- thank God he's a former Marine as well. But, then, I asked him, "you do the same things as me. What makes you a Christian, but not me?"

"Well, I go to church."

"Well, I know a lot of people that go to church that aren't the best of Christians."


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