Tuesday, May 01, 2007

"Are you fussin' with me?"

I have this student this semester that is a DNFAH (Definitely NOT From Around Here). She's an older-than-average student, has a few kids, stay-at-home mom, and doesn't believe a single thing either the book or I have to say. Basically, if it doesn't fit into her extremely narrow view of the world its either wrong or not worthy of consideration. Everything is an argument with her and she refuses to accept other views.


In that class, it's required that students write a research paper. This is a pretty standard requirement for Intro to Psyc classes. I've been working with all my students over the course of the semester, but, for a number of them, they didn't realize how serious this assignment was until they received a failing grade on the paper.

Now, it's my goal to help them be successful. So, I have a policy that if a student gets below a specific grade they have a chance for a rewrite. However, the ticket unto that ride is that they need to have a conference with me so I can explain to them what the issues with their papers are and why I'd really like it if they took the assignment a bit more seriously and DID the work.

Today, she comes in, and is full of attitude. I ask if she has her paper with her (I ask this of all my students), and she snaps "Of COURSE I dO. Do you think I'm STUPID?"

"No, I don't. However, most students when they come in hand me their paper right away."

She Ha-RUMPS and pulls it out. I look it over to refresh myself (reading close to 100 papers in two weeks, yeah, I sometimes forget what the issues with a specific paper might happen to be). Then, we start to discuss the issues.

The cover page is the wrong format and has three words mispelled.

The References page is not alphabetical nor is the format correct. When I point this out to her, she states "but, I have them listed in the order that they come up in the paper."

"But, they need to be alphabetical."

"Says who?"

"The America Psychology Association. And the Modern Languages Association. And pretty much EVERY other organization that publishes a style guide."

"Mine makes more sense."

"To you, perhaps, but there is a reason why it's done this way."

"Well, I'm going to do it my way."

"That's your choice. If you do so, you will lose points."


"Because you're not doing it CORRECTLY."

She stops. Glares. Places her hands on her hips.

"Are you fussin' with me?" It actually comes out as "areyoufussin'withme?"

I looked right back at her and said "Are you fussin' with ME? Because if you are, I want to explain something to you. I KNOW how to do this. You're the one in the class and you're the one that has to work to the standard I set. I don't work to the standard you set because I'm the one considered by the school and the state as the expert in this material. Now..."

I paused and looked at her...

"Do you wish to learn how to do this properly, or are we done and you're going to accept the grade as it stands?"

She gets quiet for a moment and then says, "you're a bit of a bastard, aren't you?"

"What I am is someone that is WILLING to take MY time to help my STUDENTS succeed. It's your choice if you wish to be here. It's your choice if you want the help. Decide now, or, I'm going to ask you to leave."

I have to say...

The rest of the session was amazing.

Sometimes...you just have to fuss.

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