Thursday, December 16, 2004

A picture I wish I could have taken

Our school has a front end loader that is used, amongst other things, for snow removal. Our beast is about 15 years old and is often prone to breakdown at the wrong time.

Like, for instance, this past week. Our grounds-keeper, Shane, was clearing the parking lot and suddenly...something went awry! As he said, it went chunk chunk chunk CLUNK, and then died where it stood for a few days.

Yesterday, as I was returning to school after a short lunch break, there was a sight to see--the repair company was there to pick up the loader (without the bucket), and they had it up on a lowboy trailer.

Along with another loader, sans bucket. They were both were on the trailer. And the way they were arranged, well, let's just say this...

I now know where Bobcats come from. *grin*

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