Monday, November 29, 2004

The start of another week finds our hero grumpy

D. Bjorn Ursus Maritimus Solutum

So, I get to work this morning and find four students standing outside my door. The end of the semester and students are flipping about their, I have them in for a little discussion, and every single one of them is getting a SOLID FREAKIN' A...

What the hell????

Now, one of them is getting a 95% or so...and she wants to know what she can do to improve her grade. I'm dumbfounded. How do you improve on an "A"? I was always happy with an "A" regardless of where it fell in the spectrum. I told her that a 90% is just as good as 100%...we don't have plus or minus gradings...and she rolled her eyes at me as if I were the one that was a total dunce. I finally told her that the only thing that was endangering her grade was her behavior in my office...

Too bad I can't grade on attitude.

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