Saturday, January 29, 2005

Further Tales of the Barbie Killer

The Barbie Killer has been doing interesting things of late...and many of them are just annoying. This morning, she's pushed the books I've been working with off the desk and to the floor. She decided to take a nap on the keyboard of my laptop. And now, she's sleeping on the arm of my recliner.

A few minutes ago, I decided to give her some lovin's, so, I started petting and talking with her...and she wasn't ready for it nor very open to the attention! Her tail poofed out, ears went back, and eyes became slits for casting rays of irritation. I kept on petting her, then, pulled her into the crook of my arm with her belly up. She hates lying on my arm like that! I kept talking to her, rubbing her belly, watching those ears go further back and flatter still. After about a minute, she decided she had enough and tried to roll out and away...but, I kept her there...petting and talking to her.

Finally, I let her go, expecting her to run off.

She looks at me for a moment. Rolls over. And goes to sleep.


She's such a little spaz.